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See the light in a sentence

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Sentence count:68+1Posted:2017-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: in the light ofdelightfirelightcandlelightdelightedlimelightdelightfuldelightedlyMeaning: v. change for the better. 
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31. I figured the pictures would never see the light of day, and as time went by I forgot all about them.
32. Most of what has been shown, Zheng said, are splashy demos, often from big-name companies, that make headlines at tech conferences but rarely see the light of day.
33. After the word, the millionaire see the light of the gold.
34. I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
35. For many years he had little expectation that his writings would see the light of day but the daring One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich caused a sensation.
36. Those who see the light before others are condemned to pursue the light despite others.
37. And up until now I had sworn to myself That I'm content Or the truth you prayed would never see the light of day.
38. Keeping back his soul from the underworld, so that he may see the light of life.
39. It is then that we see the light for all men and for all times.
40. If the mother doesn't actually abandon the child, the child is kept in a backroom in a shack and literally does not see the light of day.
41. D. in English literature. He felt, he writes in "Charlie Chan," "like a bottom-feeding fish, one that cannot see the light of day in the muddy pond of America.
42. Let your servant see the light of your face; in your mercy be my saviour.
43. He felt, he writes in "Charlie Chan," "like a bottom-feeding fish, one that cannot see the light of day in the muddy pond of America."
44. So when you're through[], you can see the light evenly?
45. The electronics retailer thinks it can do something special with the music service though and now those plans will see the light of day.
46. And the much heralded African Science and Innovation Fund has yet to see the light of day.
47. That attack will see the light of day for the first time in the third volume of his autobiography.
48. Now I begin to see the light on the matter.
49. Newt was scheduled to be Pixar's 2012 summer release but has since been taken off the schedule and it is unknown whether the story will ever see the light of day.
50. See the Light! See the Sun! I'm just going home.
51. Hopefully one day she'll see the light and realize that he's all wrong for her.
52. Whenever morning to urban open minds, looked from window to see the light and caught in a neighbourhood umbra , or the whirling green in the morning breeze.
53. The corneal transplant operation makes this blind man to see the light again.
54. I don't even know if that record would ever happen because we both would nitpick it so much[Sentence dictionary], it'll never see the light of day.
55. The latter spider is one of two cave spider that we have in the UK; both of which never see the light of day.
56. He said "Shalit will not see the light of day" until Israel releases hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.
57. In which picture can the boy see the light through tube? Why?
58. I wasn't drinking, officer; I just didn't see the light.
59. Museum basements are stacked full of objects which never see the light of day.
60. Most languages that fall into this category never see the light of day.
More similar words: in the light ofdelightfirelightcandlelightdelightedlimelightdelightfuldelightedlydelightfullyvisible lighttake delight inlightweighthighlighterhighlightshighlighttoe the lineabove the linelightplightslightalightblightflightlightedlightlylight upflightylighterlightentwilight
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